Monday, August 11, 2008


Okay, I had the weirdest thought recently.

What if.
Dreams were actually parts of other dimensions?
Like, I severely doubt they are, but it's fun to think about.

When you dream about people you don't know, maybe they're dreaming about you in their own little universe. It's like having one movie from 2 different points of view. 2 different perceptions.

That would be interesting.

And I decided to hold off on my 4th tangent until I could think it over more. :]

They won't let the world be.

On page 39 of Sophie's World and I already need to write like crazy about it. -____-

I'm pretty torn about the fact that we were assigned a book on philosophy for summer reading. On one hand, I love the fact that it makes me think so much and literally just gave me 3 new tangents to share with you (I really have 4, but 1 I came up with on my own last week or something). But on the other hand, it hurts my head. All this thinking. And I just end up going in circles, so it feels slightly useless. Anyways, here's #1 for today.

Everything must be explained. Inspired by *checks notes* page 29 of Sophie's World. For some reason, humans need explanations. As stated in the title, they just won't let the world be. For some reason, every little tiny thing that happens must be explained. Now, I'm not complaining, I'm just stating a fact. I feel the same way, I sort of want to know why everything happens. How it happens.

But then again. If I knew, there would be nothing to wonder about. My mind would go to waste. It's like, if you knew everything, you would be SO bored. There would be nothing for you to learn. Nothing to do. Life would be pointless because, ultimately, knowledge is the point of life.

But back to what I was talking about. Religion, for one, is probably the largest used method of explanation. That is probably used more than science. Miracles, for one. So many things are explained by miracles of God(s). #1 Explanation: God created the world. There was nothing - until God created it. Science explains it differently. Big bang created the world, nothing basically exploded to create something. The universe has always been here, goes on forever, etc.

Now, I'm not trying to start a debate here. You can have your own opinions. I'm just trying to get mine out of my head.

But this brings us to tangent #2, which is quite interesting because I was planning on making 4 different posts for all of them. But these 2 blend well together, so I'll keep them together.

Personally, I'm not a believer of God. I know, shocking. But it just seems to unreal to me.
I can't believe that something comes from nothing (page... 31? of Sophies World). I just can't.
God existed, even though nothing else existed, and made something from nothing.
He made the world and everything on it.

It just seems so strange. But then I can't help but think about how the Earth must have come from something. Okay, so I can live with the whole "dust-paricle-explosion" theory, no matter how shaky it may be. Doesn't necessarily mean I live by it.

But space goes on forever? There must be some end to it. But how does it end? Serously. There can't just be a giant wall at the end of space. But it's impossible to wrap your mind around something that never ends. It's like trying to wrap your head around the fact that space has always been here. How long is always? How did space begin? Did it begin?

Those are the questions I'm positive I'll never know the answer to.
Maybe "science" will figure it out eventually. But definitely not in this lifetime.
Probably not even in the lifetime of my generation's great-great-great-grandchildren.

And speaking of science. What if science is completely wrong about everything?
It's almost a scary thought and then I realize - everything will function the same. We'll just have no idea how or why. Or we'll discover how/why it happens. But you never know.
Science has been proven wrong before.
But what if it's never right?
Would it be so bad if we never really knew how/why things happened? We'd start making up more expanations, I can promise you that.